Serve-a-thon 2024
Home Page PreK-8 News

K3-7th Grade Parents: 

Serve-A-Thon is our annual K3-7th grade community service project outreach throughout the month of February. We feel that Serve-A-Thon is an important way to teach our students how to serve others as Christ commanded. Please see below for project information that is upcoming:

2/12-March 1 - K3 - K5 students will be participating with First Care Women's Center and collecting donations by doing some chores to earn an extra $1-$5 to bring in and donate towards First Care.

2/12-15 - Humane Society - Students will bring in toys for dogs and cats, or soft treats. Please don’t bring in dog or cat food. That is supplied to the shelter already.

2/20-23 - Letters of Love to Sonata South, Forgotten Soldiers - Students will be writing letters to the senior residents at Sonata South and to our soldiers via Forgotten Soldiers.

2/26-3/1 -Boca Helping Hands - is a non-profit that provides food to those in need within our community. We will be participating in their canned food drive during this week. Please bring in regular sized canned goods and drop in the food bin that is provided in the main lobby. 

Month of February - 6th and 7th grade students will be participating in service projects off campus.

March 2 - Family Picnic 11:00 am - 2:00 pm at BRCS - waterslide, obstacle course, trackless train, Chick Fil A and more! Additional information to follow.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
John 13:35

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